Property Management Services in guntur| Property Handling

Property Management Services in Guntur

Property Management Services in Guntur

Rent Collection


Property Management Services in guntur

Regular Property Inspections

- Rent collection in Guntur, a city in Andhra Pradesh, typically involves landlords or property managers receiving monthly rent payments from tenants through various methods such as bank transfers, checks, or digital payment platforms, ensuring timely and hassle-free transactions.
- Property owners often provide tenants with clear instructions for payment to streamline the process.

- Regular property inspections in Guntur, a city in Andhra Pradesh, entail scheduled visits by landlords or property managers to rental properties. - These inspections serve to assess the property's condition, identify maintenance needs, and ensure that tenants are adhering to lease agreements, contributing to property value and safety..

Property Management Services in Guntur

Preparing Inventory

Property Management Services in Guntur

Renewal of Lease

- When preparing an inventory in Guntur, it's crucial to create a comprehensive list of your belongings, including descriptions and values, to document your assets for insurance, financial planning, and security purposes.
- Organize this inventory digitally or in hard copy for easy access and

- When renewing a lease in Guntur, both landlords and tenants should review the existing lease terms, negotiate any changes if necessary.
- sign a renewed lease agreement that outlines updated rental terms and duration, ensuring a clear understanding and legal compliance for both parties.

Maintenance Assistance

Property Management Services in Guntur

BIll Payments Assistance

- When seeking maintenance assistance in Guntur, contact local service providers or property management companies for professional and timely property repairs and upkeep.
- Clearly communicate your maintenance needs and schedule to ensure efficient and effective service delivery.

- For bill payments assistance in Guntur, consider using online banking services provided by local banks or digital payment .
- platforms like Google Pay or PhonePe for convenient and secure bill settlements, ensuring hassle-free transactions.

End to End Property ManagementProperty ManagementRental Management
Assign Property Manager
Site inspection by Property Manger
Take pictures of the property
Listing property in multiple channels
Connect with prospective tenants and facilitate site inspection
Background verification of the tenant *
Prepare Lease agreement
Collection of Security deposit & First month rent
Facilitate tenant Move-in / Move-out
Periodic property inspection (Up to 4 visits per year
House Keeping *
Repair & Maintenance *
Follow up for Maintenance payment, Electricity & Water bills (in case of Vacancy)
Free tenant search in case tenant vacating within first year
Property Management Fee7.5% of Annual Rent7.5% of Annual Rent
Tenant Finding Fee0.5 x One Month Rent1 x One Month Rent
# Tenant already available or Landowner keeps it vacant
*Additional charges will be applicable
*18% GST Extra Applicable
Note: Property Handling will start any of the above tasks, only after getting a signed document from the owner. *Company must work with several organizations, their fees and incidental expenses are extra, and company cannot determine the exact cost when the “Property Management” document is prepared. **Company shall receive execution fee @ 10% on expenses (plus GST) of the major renovations

Property management services in Guntur offer comprehensive solutions for property owners, helping them effectively manage their real estate investments in this growing city. These services encompass various aspects of property management, including tenant management, property maintenance, financial oversight, and legal compliance

Property managers in Guntur also oversee property maintenance, ensuring that rental properties are well-maintained and safe. They coordinate repairs and maintenance work through trusted vendors, conduct routine inspections, and efficiently manage emergency repairs. This proactive approach helps preserve property assets and enhances tenant satisfaction.

Financial management is another vital role provided by property management services. Property managers maintain detailed financial records, including rent collection, expenses, and transaction histories. They provide property owners with regular financial reports, simplifying income and expense tracking for tax purposes and financial planning. Overall, property management services in Guntur enable property owners to maximize their returns on investments while minimizing the stress and workload associated with property management.


How do property managers in Guntur handle security deposits?

Property managers typically hold security deposits in a dedicated account and return them to tenants as per the terms of the lease agreement after deducting any legitimate expenses.

Can property management companies help with property tax and utility payments in Guntur?

Property management companies may assist in coordinating property tax and utility payments on behalf of the landlord as part of their financial management services.

Do property managers provide financial statements and reports to landlords in Guntur?

Yes, property managers typically provide monthly or periodic financial statements and reports to landlords detailing income and expenses related to their properties.

How are emergency maintenance and repairs handled by property managers in Guntur?

Property managers have protocols in place for addressing emergency maintenance issues promptly to protect the property and the safety of tenants.